Doris Ekblad-Olson, 82, of Colorado is the first person to receive CentraSight, an experimental optical implant: Ekblad-Olson suffers from "wet" macular degeneration, an end-stage form of the common, chronic disease, wh... Keim writes in Wired that scientists are getting closer to reconstructing images that duplicate what the brain actually sees through visual input. Though it's not actually brain-reading, it's a small step in tha... Ganapati writes in Wired that researchers at MIT are developing an eye implant that can feed visual imput past damaged cells and directly into the brain. Patients will wear a camera that downloads images into the... Harmon writes in Scientific American that a Mississippi woman blind for the past nine years can see 20/70 after one of her own teeth was surgically implanted in one of her eyes: To begin the months-long proc... Raygun Studio Babak A. Parviz, a bionanotechnologist at the University of Washington, writes that in the future, biotech innovations could lead to display screens inside contact lenses: These visions (if I m... Ophthalmic Technologies, a biotech start-up, has developed a tiny telescope that has can implanted into the eyes of people suffering from macular degeration: Last week, an advisory panel for the Food and Dr...