This handsome, half Maine Coon cat is Corduroy, wh... age 26 holds the Guinness World Record as the oldest living cat. Adopted from an Oregon shelter in 198... Sanborn, who outlived three husbands, was 1... Group, which listed Sanborn as the world's oldest person. But French said Sanborn always maintai... ...reported. Either way, with Sanborn's death, the oldest Link) Walter Breuning of Great Falls,..., Montana turned 114 years old today. He's the oldest man in the world. In this video, Breuning shares... other little piggies went to market, staye... ...pig turns 20 years old and is crowned the world's oldest living pig. O.K., technically the little porker t... blog has a pretty nifty post about 10 reall... ...t 10 really old dudes and their jobs. For example: Oldest cop: Manuel Curry, 84Sadly, Sergeant Major Manuel... ...d earlier this summer. But he did so as America's oldest active duty police officer, having spent 63 years... ...ther abandoned the city or... to John Dawkins and Penny Cooper,... ...d last week and therefore set a new UK record for oldest newlyweds!Three months ago 90-year-old Penny Coop...