The mysterious femme fatale. The jaded private eye... ...ements of noir fiction with his 1930 breakthrough novel , The Maltese Falcon. But how did Hammet dream up... ...erican classic.THE REAL MCCOYUnlike other mystery novelists , Dashiell Hammett really was a detective. Born in... ...from a journalism class:... you know that Napoléon Bonaparte tried... ...ry? Well, if Saddam Hussein could write a romance novel , why not Napoléon? In 2007, a French publi... ...French publishing company found (and published) a novella written by Napoléon, and now a few pages o... ...still rising in the ranks o... James Patterson) Novelist James Patterson has a new book coming out called... Gordon published his first novel , The Serialist, and it did well enough for a firs... ...The Serialist, and it did well enough for a first novel in the United States. But in Japan, a translation..., a translation of his book (titled Second-Rate Novelist ) won lite... authors make outlines of their novels to keep the story arc in place, make sure the imp... 1968, novelist Len Deighton's personal assistant had a problem.... ...with the aid of the MTST: a curiously apropos novel about World War II, titled Bomber... a student couldn't finish his summer reading... ...s for help. He asked for someone to summarize the novel The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep And Never Had To for h... the surface, B. Traven's 1927 novel The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is a suspenseful... ...son and madness. It stands as one of the greatest novels about the United States ever written by a foreign... all else, Traven's masterpiece is the rare pop novel that had the... know it as Slaughterhouse-Five, but it goes by... .... The complete title of Kurt Vonnegut's acclaimed novel is Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade... ...ime Ago, and Survived to Tell the Tale. This is a Novel Somewhat in the Telegraphic Schizophrenic Manner... in 1945, then 1968, then 19... can change your life - some inspire you to... ...some can lead to evil. Weird Worm has a list of 4 novels that inspired real life murders. Take, for exampl... ...mber. And maybe that’s for the best. In the novel , Frederick Clegg is an avid butterfly collector a... ...claimed to be inspired by t...