The following is an article from the book Uncle Jo... ...s, was actually pretty popular with viewers.SUPRA- NOVAHorizon was a groundbreaking series of its own, having pr... ...good foundation on which to grow into the future. NOVA TO THE GRINDSTONEThat was the vision Ambrosino la... ...etter has essentially... movies make living on another planet look l... ...wn and give your life meaning again.(YouTube Link) Nova is a fun CGI student film from The Animation Scho... most people, the thought of living in some small compartment on the ocean floor for two weeks is nothing short of horrifying. From the idea of the cramped space (you are forced to share with others), to the simple id... Shears, certified cartography nerd, Mansfie... ...d up with totally far out names like Trans-Pecos, Nova and Cascadia, and otherwise things would have pro... Monocerotis - NASA/ESA via HubblesiteAlan Tay... ...n early 2002. Originally believed to be a typical nova eruption, it was then realized to be something co...