Temperatures at the dark craters of the... ...xagon Cloud Why does Saturn have a ring? Because Neptune proposed and they're now married, goes the joke.... ...net over on its side. The Great Dark Spot of Neptune , as captured by Voyager 2 in 1989. Image: NAS... ...2 in 1989. Image: NASA/Voyager 2...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/06/18/Wonders-of-the-Solar-System/The planet Neptune was first observed by telescope on September 24,... ...had on the orbit of Uranus. Since that discovery, Neptune Neptune is back at the same point in orbit as it was when... ...one Neptunian year, or 164.79 Earth years. Once Nept...
https://www.neatorama.com/2011/07/12/one-year-of-neptune/(Video Link) In the past few years, astronome... ...ing planets around our sun at a distance would be Neptune . This planet's gravity has significant effects o... ...Through gravitational effects called resonances, Neptune wrangles nearby particles into preferred orbits....
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/09/24/how-could-alien-astronomers-detect-planets-in-our-solar-system/In 1821, French astronomer Alexis Bouvard reasoned... ...of a nearby planet. 45 years later, that planet, Neptune , was directly observed for the first time. Becau... ...r the first time. Because it takes 164 years for Neptune to complete one orbit of the Sun, its orbit has u... ...as until now not been fu...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/08/20/neptune-to-complete-its-first-orbit-since-discovery-in-1846/Researchers say that Uranus and Neptune may have full oceans of liquid diamonds with gian... ...the pressure has to be similar to those found on Neptune or Uranus. Link