DeviantART member CatsFeltFeelings creates highly... ...creates highly realistic dolls and figures using needle felting , such as this large head of actor Benedict Cumber... Smith, a miniature maker, created this incred... ...azard a guess that she engaged in some impressive needle felting . are so cute! Etsy seller Veselka Bulkan, an... ...s of different crafts. But my favorites are these needle felted vegetables that dangle down from from thei... unknown)Rocket News 24 reports that this photo and others are circulating through Japanese-language Twitter feeds. Allegedly, they show one lucky Siberian husky who has a new friend: a tiny plush felted from his... by the book jacket on a print edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Almost Summer felted this Kindle cover for a friend. She folded it in half to form a pouch.Link -via Geek Crafts... you're a fairy, elf or pixie--especially if you... ...ities. Zavinta, a craftsman skilled in the art of needle felting , has a speciality shop catering to your fashion n... help sewing? Just create a few assistants, li... ...ust create a few assistants, like this button and needle made by Moxie. She provides step-by-step photos s... ...g how to do it. As someone who's never engaged in feltingé Mizushima, creator of marvelous, dark,... ...creator of marvelous, dark, and marvelously dark needle felted critters, made this festive octopus. Don't... to airbrushing and light-up tentacles, Christine Prusha's felted jellyfish looks startlingly realistic. The other works in her Flickr stream are equally impressive. Daylight Photo and Dark Photo -via Make... the 2011 Stitch Wars crafting competition,... ...Stitch Wars crafting competition, Mariangela Tan needle felted this tauntaun, fit for an amusement park c...