羊毛フェルト製「リアル猫ヘッド」�... ...展示室 pic.twitter.com/ZCer3Nth66— 法雪 needle felted cats (@freecatdoll) April 6, 2015 You will be fo... ...earn the art of creating realistic-looking “ needle felted cats”.Sato-sensei is an expert in this nich... ...展示室 p...
Needle Felted Cat Head
20 Coolest & Weirdest Needle Felted Creations
The only limit to what a skilled craftster can... ...limit to what a skilled craftster can create with needle felting is the imagination. There are artists who...
Zombie Bunny...
Artist Amy Rawson (previously at Neatorama) ha... ...iously at Neatorama) has created a cute-as-can-be needle felted zombie bunny for Halloween. Or at least, it's cut...
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