Image: Robert Chaplin Teeny Ted from Turnip Town by Malcolm Douglas Chaplin is, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world's smallest book. Each page measures about 11 by 15 microns: The Robert Cha... Raygun Studio Babak A. Parviz, a bionanotechnologist at the University of Washington, writes that in the future, biotech innovations could lead to display screens inside contact lenses: These visions (if I m... nanomachines can be unprofitable because of the time necessary to create and then assemble the components. But researchers at Columbia University have found a way to make machines assemble themselves: To mak... are two very exciting recent advances in nanotechnology may soon result in a massive increase i...[youtube= ...people submit their explanations of what exactly nanotechnology means. However, instead of a boring lecture w... monitoring their glucose levels may soon put the days of painful finger-sticks behind them. Instead, they can go through the one-time ordeal of getting inked with a nanoparticle tattoo. Heather Clark, a scienti...