Not actual size.A team at the Georgia Institute of... ...s for the different shades.They have called their nanoscale painting the "Mini Lisa"."By tuning the temperatu... ...variations in the molecular concentrations on the nanoscale . The spatial confinement of these reactions provi... all learned about DNA with graphic illustrations of a colorful double helix. Now we have an actual photograph, from an electron microscope, of a DNA strand. Enzo di Fabrizio and a team at the University of Genoa in It... is a really tiny Enterprise. This image won the prize for Best Ion MicroGraph in the 47th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication Bizarre/Beautiful Micrograph Contest... valentine, made out of palladium atoms, i... ...avid Pearmain of the University of Birmingham’s Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory were working: Alth... ...alyze the reaction." Link via Gizmodo | Image: Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory a virtual nano journey by zooming down to ever smaller and smaller levels in all kinds of different environments! Just click your language, then the suitcase to start. Pictured is a mosquito on a man's arm. I zoom...