The bird known as the greater honeyguide got i... behavior. The problem is... its not true! The myth of the badger-guiding honeyguide began in 1785 wi...'s skeeter season (at least here in Oklahoma)... ...a list of legitimate tips and debunks some common myths about mosquito control. Example: A popular email... you've heard someone say that humans only u... ...eople even less), but that turns out to be a just myth :William James, a psychologist in the 1800s, once... areas at different times.Read more human body myths at Environmental Graffiti: Link you've ever played Super Mario Bros. on the NES...'ve heard rumors that it was possible and the myth of Mario jumping over the flagpole was born.So, c... professional skydiver set out to debunk 10 most... ...ssional skydiver set out to debunk 10 most common myths about skydiving in this neat article at The List... ...For example:9. The Freefall Chatter Skydiving Myth : You can talk or yell to each other during freefa...