Luciano Faggiano kept battling a toilet that clogg... ...ed to another, and the Faggiano family now runs a museum instead of a trattoria on the spot. The story at... says working at a museum is boring? Watch the curators and staff from the... the curators and staff from the Seal Cove Auto Museum dance and show off what they do! [https://youtu.... ...JO0] (YouTube link)The website When You Work At a Museum ... is hosting a dance... May Natural History Museum near Colorado Springs is the home of one of the w... ...vate collections of insects. The story behind the museum covers several generations of a fascinating famil... ...James May, the son of a collector for the British Museum , built the collecti... Horn of the travel project For 91 Days too... ...years. In that time, they’ve seen a lot of museums around the globe, so Horn put together a top ten... ...most memorable of them, like the Wallace Bordello Museum in Idaho:So when the ladies of this brothel found... ...oor behind them. So everythi... few months ago, we posted a story about how many... ...1998 and spent $7 million transforming it into a museum of slavery. Slave quarters, work buildings, and a... ...still there, but it’s not the focus of the museum tours. The Whitney Plantation Museum will have its...[] (YouTube link)Would... ...Tube link)Would you like to visit the Barbed Wire Museum ? The Spam Museum ? Or the Vent haven Museum of Ventriloquist Dummies? Sounds like a great ide... ...ip around! John Green tells us about the weirdest *strong cl... in Tokyo for the moment, Mike Powell and Ju... .... One of those experiences is the Parasitological Museum of Meguro. Yes, it’s a museum devoted to parasites.It’s not the best plac... ...a large meal, but Meguro’s Parasitological Museum makes a wonder... National 9/11 Memorial and Museum will open to the public May 21st. Access to the m... ...ions, which are $2, are encouraged. Access to the museum will cost $24, and tickets for opening day are so... ...the New York Times has an interactive tour of the museum . Be aware th... Exploratorium in San Francisco is a magical pl... ...hough not part of the interactive experience, the museum ’s workshop is on display, too. Mechanical e... ...t his work. He tells us about his 40 years at the museum , many of which he spend procuring the machines th... ...ut that’s not what... U.S. Army has a museum /warehouse called the Center of Military History F... But very few people have access to them. No museum is equipped to display what the Center of Militar...