Some gamers see the Lawful Good alignment as a rol... ...r, the webcomic that always makes me want to play Munchkin for some reason...-Via Geeks Are Sexy[] (YouTube link) Munchkin is an adorable Shih Tzu puppy who dresses like a... Link)Balloons are a strange thing... ...t's perspective and it's easy to see why Khan the munchkin kitty just had to learn more about these weird ji... Link)We all know that cats love b... ...even more incredibly fun for your feline? Here's Munchkin proving how fun a small vantage point can be in t... Raabe was a pilot in the Civil Air Patro... ...n 1970. But he was best known for his role as the Munchkin coroner in the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz, where...