Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.The ability to do multiple thi... a computer game, listening to musi... ...e same time? This kid will surely grow up to be a multitasking champ. Bravo, parents! Bravo! you thought texting while driving is bad, som... ...someone out there took it up a notch. Here's the multitasking driver, who's reading a book, using a Kindle AND... is boring and it takes time out of your busy life. Why not multitask and use your driving time more productively? With the Laptop Steering Wheel Desk, you can eat, use a computer, read, do your nails -- whateve... are teenagers so lousy at chores? Is it lazine... ...sters. [...]The part of the brain responsible for multitasking continues to develop until late adolescence, with...