Back in this 2008 post on Neatorama, 5 Rea... ...eezes faster than cold water. That strange effect was first observed in 1963 by a Tanzanian high sc... ...y a Tanzanian high school student named Erasto B. Mpemba , who was freezing hot ice cream mix in a cooking... ...ld explain the strange behavior, du...
Scientists Solved The Puzzle of Why Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold Water...
Answer This And Win £1,000: Why Does Hot Water Freeze Faster Than Cold Water?...
Psst! Want £1,000? All you... ...ring over it. "But this effect was reintroduced into the scientific world... ...he scientific world in 1968 by Erasto Mpemba , a young inquisitive student in Tanzania during... ...omenon. "Since the discovery...
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