Good characters get killed off in movies for all kinds of reasons, but some of those reaso... ...n't want to play that role anymore, but does that death do anything for the plot? Other times, a death seems like it's the only way the writers could in... way the writer... yeah, you think you know that answer to that on... far. Three well-known actors have died in more movies . See if you can guess who they are, and then find... ...he other hand, if you calculate the the number of movies movies Deaths can be funny as long as we know they’re not... ...real …and when they happen to someone in a movie we don’t care about. Funny deaths occur more often in comedies, but there are a few... ...e a very familiar example above. What’s the *s... many movie details get changed in the journey between concep... ...sometimes appalled at how many characters die in movies , in many films it could have been more. Certain c... ...the audience liked the character too much, their death made the ending too depressing, we can&...