Gertrud Gunther was born into a normal Prussian mi... ...ust as lesbian love dominated her works at first, morphine started appearing in her writing beginning in 191... ...ed around Europe with a male companion and fellow morphine enthusiast, living in villas in Germany and Franc... ...uo;t too keen on Jewish... in the 19th century had few tools to actua... ...mental discomforts.”Male doctors turned to morphine to relieve many female patients’ menstrual... ...ctors began to see what so many prescriptions for morphine had done, and the tide slowly started to turn. Re... thousands of years, humans have used the extra... ...In the last 200 years, opium and the more refined morphine and its derivatives have been the go-to medicine... ...her effects. Traditional opioids—including morphine , the potent synthetic fentanyl and the Vicodin yo... ...cluding Oliceridine, wh... in the day, medicine didn't fool around, not even for a cough. This picture shows the alarming active ingredients in One Night Cough Syrup. I’m sure anyone that took this got their money’s worth. It woul...