Next generation space travel is closer to reality... ...n, the ship that will take astronauts back to the moon , but that dream may be fading away. Nasa offic... ...pockets to fulfil its vision for a return to the moon . The review said the agency may have to abandon t... they say, the third time is the charm. Three di... ...ime is the charm. Three different missions to the moon have relayed back evidence of water. There were t... ...dence of water. There were traces of water in the moon rocks brought back by Apollo, but that was attrib... ...ed water by mapping wavelengths... Zielinski writes in The Smithsonian that Jup... ...They determined that the comet became a temporary moon when it entered Jupiter’s neighborhood in 1949.... ...ween 1967 and 1985, will again become a temporary moon and complete six loops around the planet between... Miu took Runner-Up in the 2009 Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest, Earth & Space category, with this entry. I imagine it's a long exposure shot grafted onto a single shot, but I'm not sure. Â A... has created a map of Aldrin and Armstrong's j... and Armstrong's journeys on the surface of the moon to the scale of a baseball diamond. It helps put... Link) This start-up proposes to use robots to carve the lunar surface dust into patterns that could serve as advertisements. I'm skeptical due to the sheer scale of the task -- the number of robots necessary... years later, you can still see the lunar m... ...e lunar modules, and even footprints, left on the moon by the Apollo missions. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissan... ...he best destinations for the next journeys to the moon ." NASA officials say the next round of photograp... rock named Blue Genesis was brought back from th... ...rock named Blue Genesis was brought back from the moon by Apollo 16, the final moon mission, in 1972. Moon rocks remain rare and precious for that a single... Nelson offers ten lesser-known facts abo... ...fers ten lesser-known facts about the first human moon landing: 6. The "one small step for man" wasnâ... ...use there was no outer handle. 8. The toughest moonwalk task? Planting the flag. NASA’s studies suggest... ...s-later-ten-things-you-didnt-kn... newly released recording from a British control... tried to beat the Americans in the race to the Moon : just hours before the Apollo 11 landed on the Moon , a Russian spacecraft Luna-15 crash-landed there:... found them, show the Russian craft orbited the Moon a...