Chet Phillips designs wild and amusing playing cards, as you've seen here before. His latest collection is "of lively monkey and ape characters exhibiting a vast range of professions and historical simian significanc... order to examine the way that the human brain e... ...ates, scientists arranged for selected humans and monkeys to watch the Clint Eastwood movie The Good, the B... headphones. The humans watched it once and the monkeys saw it six times, during which the participants�... ...closest cousins. Which... love to hold a warm, furry cat in their... ...ut humans aren't the only primates who like pets. Monkeys and apes seem to have a similar affinity to cats,...'ve all seen pictures of monkeys grooming each other. At first glance, it appears... ...t's a tradeoff -you groom me, I'll groom you. But monkeys will groom cats, pigs, deer, all kinds of fur! It... ...all kinds of fur! It may be a habit, or maybe the monkeys are looking... infinite monkey theorem proposes that a group... ...infinite monkey theorem proposes that a group of monkeys , or even a single one, could reproduce the collec... ...this theorem with an experiment that uses actual monkeys . So computer engineer Jesse Anderson created a si... ...This process is repeated o... you know that parrots name their babies? O... know that parrots name their babies? Or that monkeys that understand money immediately use the idea to... this little guy might not be in a mask like the others, I love this little guy's fashion statement. Be sure to check out the rest of the cuties at the link. Link... David Slater had his picture take... ...tripod mounted camera. Soon, it seemed as if the monkeys actually knew that they were on to something, and... woman was due to appear in court in Amherst, Virginia. So, naturally, she stuffed a small monkey into her bra before entering the courthouse: The woman brought along the palm-sized marmoset to a proceeding in Juven... monkeys have enough self-awareness to realize when they d... ...was sparse or dense. Given a pixel scenario, the monkeys would maneuver a joystick to a letter S (for spar... ...nds. A third possible answer, though, allowed the monkeys to select a question mark, and thereb...