How researchers see a much looked- upon ladyby Ali... ...staffLeonardo da Vinci's painted portrait of the Mona Lisa entices researchers of many kinds to spring into... ...Stokman, Nicu Sebe, and colleagues had gotten the Mona Lisa 's number. They did so with precision, though with... ...ious half-smile that h... magnification techniques have recently reveal... ...ealed tiny letters and numbers in the eyes of the Mona Lisa that were not visible to the naked eye. The symbo... believing that Dan Brown has unlocked the ulti... ...Dan Brown has unlocked the ultimate secret of the Mona Lisa , French researchers used X-ray fluorescence spect... Mona Lisa on the left is by Murdock Scott. I'm not sure wh... ...riation. Now before you get worried about Miss Mona 's safety: yes, she's wearing a red uniform. But... year, organizers at the Rocks Aroma Festi... ...Sydney, Australia, made an enormous image of the Mona Lisa using thousands of cups of coffee lightened with... ...Digg | Photo: EpicFTW | Previously on Neatorama: Mona Lisa in Coffee (as a Paint)[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Take 3,074 paint chips in 36 colours, a few glue guns and a bit of elbow grease. And what do you get? A cool mural, that's what. Oh, and glue all over y... flickr user Sifter This Mona Lisa made out of motherboards decorates the headquarte... the direction of artist Katy Webster, ch... ...n painted an enormous copy of Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa at a shopping mall in Wales: Dozens of adults... Lisa ? Maybe so, according to a newly revealed painting... ...e portrait does not exactly resemble the original Mona Lisa , but there is little doubt it has parallels with... ...columns at the sides, show a clear link with the Mona Lisa food grease as art? Yep. Watch as artist Ph... ...artist Phil Hansen creates a huge replica of the Mona Lisa using nothing but grease squeezed from hamburger...