On January 15, 1919, 21 people were killed in the... ..., 1919, 21 people were killed in the Great Boston Molasses Flood. Over two million gallons of molasses burst out of a defective tank and traveled in a w... ...ious, especially to people who have actually used molasses in...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/12/01/The-Sticky-Science-Behind-the-Deadly-Boston-Molasses-Disaster/How would you design a chain reaction that takes s... ...art of this involves filling a trough with enough molasses to float a boat. Slowly. A tortoise has to carry...
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/10/28/Worlds-Slowest-Rube-Goldberg-Machine/We may not be at the top of the food chain, exactl... ...uling would be a little different today.The Great Molasses FloodYou think drowning in beer is bad? At least... ...rough the beer. Trying to fight through a sea of molasses would be all but futile. And that’s exactl... ...feet in diameter and he...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/02/01/when-food-attacks-two-killer-culinary-catastrophes/In a story reminiscent of the Great Boston Molasses Flood, 10,000 gallons of cattle feed, consisting... ...,000 gallons of cattle feed, consisting mostly of molasses , spilled out of a tank owned by Performance Plus,... ...ance Plus, a business in Twin Falls, Idaho. The molasses...
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/01/24/10000-gallons-of-molasses/Photo of the aftermath of the Great Boston Molasses Flood [wiki]You'd be hard-pressed to find a more... ...d a more innocuous substance in your kitchen than molasses . Who would ever suspect that this thick, dark, an... ...port that January 15, 1919 - the day of the Great Molasses...