Cake Wrecks has a roundup of tragic cakes specifically for school events: back to school, the last day of school, graduation, teacher training, or in the case of the cake pictured, a special lesson in history (I think)... the occasion, someone will say it with a cake. Someone somewhere is probably very happy it was just a cold sore! See more embarrassing cakes at Stupid Idiots. sign on Highway 51 in Wisconsin points to exit 185. There are four words on the sign, and three are misspelled. "Exit" was correctly spelled. David Vieth, director of the bureau of highway operations for the Wisconsin... Bree Bailey [Flickr]We've had our share of... ...of typsos here on Neatorama, so we understand how misspellings can happen even to the best of us. But misspelling the name of this lake in Webster, Massachusetts?... ...legram & Gazette, which has been covering the misspellin...