It's not just miniature golf . It's microscopic!Figment NYC is an annual art fe... ...n New York City. Many participants build artistic miniature golf holes to create an entire course. For this event,... ...vent, NYC Resistor, a local makerspace, created a golf hole that looks... the unassuming Los Angeles home of vlogger... ...Angeles home of vlogger Adam Kontras is a 9-hole miniature golf course...that he built! It's called GolfKon and he originally turned his 7,000-square-foot ba... ...turned his 7,000-square-foot backyard into a mini golf c...[](Video... .... Simon Connor took video footage of professional golfers attempting to sink putts and digitally added obst... sink putts and digitally added obstacles from miniature golf tournaments. Watch masters of the sport, such as... link) Improv Everywhere went to a miniature golf course and turned it into a major gold tournament... students at the School of Visual Arts... Arts in New York City created an eighteen-hole golf course with each hole representing a particular p... ...ia Super Punch | Photo: Soo Ji Han Previously: Miniature Golf Course in a Funeral Home Basement in a Chicago suburb is a funeral home wit... ...icago suburb is a funeral home with a 9-hole mini golf course in the basement! Fred Abercrombie made a s... ...ome and took quite a few pictures of the infamous golf