The Kennecott Mine Camp was a booming Alaskan copper mining town in... ...! But by 1939 the copper was gone and the several mines were abandoned. However, the Kennecott is in a na... ...s there survived much better than the surrounding mines , and you can visit them -if no... Munroe's xkcd comic today is a chart showing the relative depths of lakes and ocean features. It's best seen at full size. In the small detail shown here, the bow and stern belong to the Titanic. What surprised m... link) Now that all the miners and rescue workers are safely out of the collapse... ...ue workers are safely out of the collapsed copper mine in Chile, The Brothers McLeod turn their thoughts... TV and film footage is kept safe and soun... ...tage is kept safe and sound underground in a salt mine in Kansas. The Hutchinson Salt Mine in Kansas covers 900 underground acres. When a se... ...nderground acres. When a section is finished as a mine , that space can...