Neatorama Posts Tagged "microbiology"
Scientists Remove HIV from Human Immune Cells...

(Photo: NIH)Scientists have made a breakthrough in the search for a more effective treatment for HIV. Researchers at Temple University in Philadelphia used gene editing techniques to remove the HIV-1 virus from the genom...
Study: Beards Increase Resistance to Hospital Infections...

A video posted by incredibeard™ (@incredibeard) on Jan 21, 2016 at 10:58am PST Would you like to avoid dying a horrible death from an infection while staying in the hospital? Then you'd better grow a beard. Accord...
Scientists Recreate Medieval Medicine, Find That It Kills MRSA...

(Photo: British Library)Pictured above is Bald’s Leechbook, a 10th Century Latin and Anglo-Saxon manuscript owned by the British Library. It’s a reference manual for what passed for pharmaceutical science at...
Microbiology-Themed Valentines

Webcomic artist Twisted Doodles writes, "I made so...  ...comic artist Twisted Doodles writes, "I made some microbiology themed Valentine’s cards for other people i...
Scientific Research Shows The Five Second Rule Is True...

(Image Via Shutterstock)The five second rule is on...  ...m Aston University in Birmingham, England, led by microbiology professor Anthony Hilton, conducted a study that...
Cell Cake...

Nicole Williams made this cake for a biology course. Is it tasty? It is biologically accurate? I can provide a confident answer to the first question.Link -via Kitchen Overlord...
Painting with Penicillin...

In 1928, British biologist Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic properties of penicillin. That discovery has led to millions of human lives saved. But to Fleming, penicillin was more than a biological wonder. It w...
Art Created From Bacteria...

Over at Neatorama, we have a lot of scientific-minded readers, many of whom aren't particularly impressed with some of the art projects we post here. Hopefully this microbial art will be an exception though as it tak...
Scientists and Their Belly Button Biomes...

Who has more bacteria in their navel -Carl Zimmer...  ...s conceived as a device to interest the public in microbiology , and to counter the common view that bacteria are...
Is a Cure for the Common Cold in the Future?...

Until very recently, biologists believed that once a virus enters a cell, a person's immune system cannot combat that virus because antibodies cannot enter cells. But researchers at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology i...

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