It's called "Period Crunch."Intima, a company that... ...productive tract and conversations starters about menstruation . Intima argues that cultural forces prevent many... ...talking comfortably about periods. Chatting about menstruation Kotex sanitary napkins came on the scene in... ...ins came on the scene in the 1920s, women handled menstruation in private, using whatever fabric they had, and o... decades, we saw print and TV ads featuring wom... ...ass advertisement that confronts the realities of menstruation head on. This ad is SFW, although a bit …b... inventors of Livia call it "the off switch for menstrual pain."The system consists of a small box that clips onto a belt or fits inside a pocket, as well as gel pads that contain two electrodes. These send electrical... of Sally Ride by NASA)In the early days of spaceflight, doctors suspected that in microgravity, menstrual blood wouldn't flow out of the vagina, but remain inside and lead to infections.But the experiences of more...’s a video that puts the “men&rdqu... ...squo;s a video that puts the “men” in menstruation ! If men had periods, they’d treat it as a c... School students Andrea Gonzales and Sophie Ho... ...point of the game is that a natural process like menstruation should be just as acceptable in a video game as t...[] (YouTube link)Do you recall The Camp Gyno? Now HelloFlo, a company that sells menstrual supplies, is back again with a new ad about a girl’s first period, and the party her mom throws... is a surprise: some countries have a policy of giving women paid leave from their jobs for “that time of the month.” Is this a well-intentioned perk or sex discrimination? Men cannot take advantage of me... title sounds like one of Kipling’s “Just So” stories, but this article from theoretical biologist Suzanne Sadedin gives scientific answers, told in plain language that can be funny in places. She in...