Algar the Bard is a musician straight out of the F... and performs adaptations of modern songs with medieval themes and instruments. Past performances include... exhibit called Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders is on display... ...ry & Museum in New York City. The artworks of Medieval Monsters were selected to show how the depiction... Ileana Micarelli et al./Journal of... ...Even Captain Hook would be so jealous of this medieval man! Archaeologist Ileana Micarelli from... ...n Veneto, Italy, which contained the remains of a medieval man who had attached a sword to his amputated rig... scribes spent years upon years painstakingly copy... ...rse featured by Marc Drogin in his book Anathema! Medieval Scribes and the History of Book Curses has a fami... of France celebrated what was called the Feast of Fools between the 12th and 15th centuries. On New Year's Day, status was inverted among the clergy, in which lower-ranked monks and students wold become the bosses...'ve read about the awful plight of waste disposa... business, and we’re not saying that some Medieval Britons didn’t sometimes toss their solid w... you have too many rules, people will spend th... First off, animal products were banned during medieval fast days, but fish were okay, because they lived... ...but acceptable to eat as mammals of the sea (the medieval German word for dolphin is “merswin,”... ...aking into fake eggs. Re... to own a medieval castle but don't want to spend the cash? Well, yo... de Snowdoune, died 1344, shot in the eye wi... ...e with an arrow by night long after curfew— Medieval Death Bot (@DeathMedieval) May 13, 2017 Several... ...tuary from a bot that Tweets reports of deaths at Medieval Death Bot. They aren't limited to royalty or any... ...ll upon him and killed him... decorated medieval manuscripts with all kinds of weird thing, like r..., which turned into an inside joke over time. A medieval meme, as it were. -Thanks, Phil Edwards!