In the 1980s and '90s, the success of Superman and... ...uperman and Batman raised interest in movies from Marvel comic books, but there were multiple factors work... ...derstand the draw of comic books. Movie rights to Marvel characters were scattered among several studios.... well-known—and perp...'s a big difference between the Hulk in the Marvel movies and the one from the classic TV show The I... has announced a new project called Create Your Ow... ...omic. You'll be able to choose from your favorite Marvel superheroes and villains, write a story, and desi... goes online (you can register now). However, Marvel knows what can happen when you crowdsource an... comic book author and living legend Stan Lee is c... ...other accomplishments. Lee, in collaboration with Marvel artists, created the characters of Spider-Man, th... ...arn something new about Stan Lee.6. HE DEFIED THE COMICS CODE AUTHORITY WITH AN ANTI-DRUG COMIC.In 19... 's giant intergalactic planet muncher Galactus and... ...oth been drawn by Jim Davis thanks to an upcoming Marvel comic written by Ryan North:Issue #26 of Unbeatab... a superhero typically isn't a paid gig, whic... ...ated this slick infographic that reveals how much Marvel superheroes would pay for their apartments aroun... a comic series goes on for a really long time, and characters go through a bunch of adventures that change their story as well as the limitations of their powers, writers bring in the retcons to tie up all the loose... is (arguably) the most successful knocko... of all time, largely because the fine folks at Marvel worked hard to set their character apart from Lon... a name like Mister Sinister you don't expect him to be a nice guy, but the guy is so depraved that his actions have pushed the boundary of what is acceptable for publication in a comic book.He was born Nathaniel Ess... Stark is a billionaire playboy, genius, phila... ...g green guy angry, err, angrier.See 15 Tony Stark Comics Moments That Will Make You Smile here