I always imagined a marmot would sound something like this. So I was as surp... ...“improve” the roar, and to insert the marmot
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/08/28/The-Marmots-Roar/[http://youtu.be/3O05nyS6hwQ] (YouTube link)Greenp... ...o smoothly, though. This one was photobombed by a marmot , who not only screwed up the possibility of conve... ...t it was knocked off balance! That’s a good marmot . -via Metafilter
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/08/17/The-Marmot-That-Stopped-Time/Four years ago, Matteo Walch and his fam... ...some quite unusual friends, a colony of marmots ! Since then, Matteo has returned to the...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/08/27/A-Boy-and-His-Marmot-Friends/Yellow-bellied marmots in Colorado are gaining weight and producing more... ...to climate change. In the Rocky Mountains, these marmots usually hibernate for seven to eight months of... ...ummers have grown longer, so too has the time the marmots have to do all of these thi...