Photographer Suzanne Heintz has the perfect American family- a husband who’s a snazzy dresser and so fit people tell him he should model clothes, yet actually listens to Suzanne when she complains about how long it... creepy store mannequins sure are getting creepier! The new "EyeSee&q... creepier! The new "EyeSee" mannequins by Italian company Almax have cameras inside thei... ...ace of passers-by. [...] The mannequin , which went on sa... a cement filled mannequin on a perforated metal trapezoid is a really stran... ...uld find a more practical use for a cement-filled mannequin , say as a wrecking ball or to weigh down a snitch... businesses learned that a person carrying a sign drew a lot more attention than a static sign, a whole new occupation was born: the sign spinner. Now it seems that at least one business wants to save that expens... so, according to Beatrice Police Depart... up a store window display when the pants on a mannequin inside had fallen down:Police say they tried to c... ...8217;s owner, Kevin Kramer, about covering up the mannequin , but were unsuccessful. Officers then taped paper... ...taped paper over the...