The Center for Infectious Disease Research teamed..., sustained human impact, such as HIV, TB, and malaria . Infectious diseases claim the lives of 14 millio... Drew Coffman)If you're traveling in malaria -prone areas, it may be a good idea to keep a chic... ...icken close by. According to a study published in Malaria Journal, the Anopheles arabiensis mosquito, which... ...quito, which is the primary means of transmitting malaria... is the deadliest animal in the world? Sharks are pretty scary, and snakes even more so. Ask anyone, and they’ll probably tell you that humans are the deadliest animal. Humans do kill a lot of other humans, but... credit: Flickr user Joan Grífols)... ...Grífols)Dr. Stephen Hoffman learned about malaria the hard way—by rolling up his sleeves and... ...letting thousands of infected mosquitoes bite him. Malaria is the biggest killer in human history. It's take... ...d office park, Hoffman an... places where malaria is rampant, a common defense is to sleep under a... ...nd will die from the insecticide if they try. But malaria rates did not plummet as expected. Did the bed ne... ...daptive behavior is passed to future generations, malarial mosquitos may be much har... 1914, malaria was a serious public health threat to the people... 20-million-year-old bat fly was discovered in a... that this fly carried an ancient strain of bat malaria , of a species new to science. George Poinar, Jr.... ...tate University found the fly, and also found the malaria while examining the fly under a microscope. Befo... one of his college roommates succumbed t... ...bolcs Márka became concerned about the impact of malaria on the peoples of that continent. Now a physicist... ...used in regions of the world heavily afflicted by malaria . researchers have discovered that an inexpe... ...But when administered that way, the incidence of malaria can drop by 80%: They vacuumed mosquitoes from t... ..., and tested to see how many mosquitoes contained malaria parasites. The ivermectin villages had almost... ...tate mosquito expert. Only... at the University of Arizona have creat... ...are completely safe from the parasite that causes malaria . It does so by reducing the lifespan of the engi... ...can scientists use the new mosquitoes to destroy malaria ? At Popular Science, Laurie J. Schmidt explains:... ...According to Riehle, com...