No matter how you felt about Hugh Hefner before his death, there's no denying he changed the publishing landscape forever. Over on Complex, you can read ten fascinating facts about the Playboy founder including surprisin... Floss perused the Internet Archive, which s... ...l Floss perused the Internet Archive, which scans magazines , making them available for vintage amusement seek... at the Internet Archive, and see ten more magazines of the delightfully dated variety here. Puss Puss)How many cats do you need? The correct answer is "more."You're a cat lady--a person of vogue and glamour. But not necessarily Vogue and Glamour. Historically, you've been marginalized by the fashion ind... print magazines , especially fashion and lifestyle magazines , are filled with advertisements for goods that yo... ...ts for goods that you can't afford. Some of these magazines , such as Vogue, are hundreds of pages long.Noah V... ...e costs of all of the goods adve... I subscribe to your issues?— Bleeding Gums Murphy (@PUEBLOPLUG) December 12, 2012... The Earth's Mightiest Gossip is a bl... ...h's Mightiest Gossip is a blog that imagines what magazines , newspapers, and other media would be like in a M... title of this article definitely describes how these paper sculptures by Yunwoo Choi were made, but these are more than just rolled up tubes of paper. These are media honeycombs, wispy clouds of waste paper, gossi... when magazines were your only option? If you long for those days... ...oy this gallery of popular websites reimagined as magazines . Thank god for the internetz. Link you're the type of person who routinely wraps presents in the funny pages, then you'll be as thrilled about this as I am. Wrap magazine is so graphically beautiful that you can literally use it to wrap gifts in when y... all the preposterous pet items in SkyMall, it's easy to wonder just how the catalog would look to a pup who could read. I think Funny Or Doe has done a great job at interpreting the catalog as a dog would see...