Watch a mixture of milk, acrylic paints, liquid so... ...olor.[] (YouTube link) Macro Room gives us an art film with just a close-up vi... link) Tim proposed to his girlfriend Audrey through a glass door using image memes. This video is a lot sweeter and happier than that short description makes it sound. You can see all the individual images at... Manvelyan, Nylus Crocodile, 2011 A couple... ...sensation... even if only behind-the-scenes. His macro photo collection, "Your Beautiful Eyes," was shar... gnat-ogre, Holcocephalus fuscus, is a tiny ins... ...ut. To get these photos, I was using a heavy-duty macro lens, flash, and a tripod. Fortunately, gnat-ogre... Caren Alpert takes pictures of food. Really, really close-up pictures of food. What you see here are cake sprinkles, shot at a 65x magnification. See more at her website. Link -via Boing Boing... Williams collects sand from different p... ...of the world. He photographs his samples using a macro lens to get up close and personal, labeling their... Corrie White No, that's not the AOL Gu... ...p of milk. Corrie White discovered a talent for macro -photography and prefers the dairy product due... ...en-based studio! Link Previously on Neatorama- Macrophotography of Dews brilliant photos from Vincent Bousserez show us the world that goes on behind closed doors. Just like in toy story imagine all these tiny people coming out of the woodwork and exploring your house. (some slightly not...