Mac & Cheese Flavored CandyThe holiday season is here! Do you find yourself starving for great stocking stuffer ideas? Gifts that are as deliciously unique as their recipient? Behold the Mac & Cheese Flavored Can... and cheese has been an American (and Canadian) st... ...ssed product. Many Americans may never have had a macaroni and cheese made with real cheese, and many who gr... ...ctive, still far removed from the original recipe. Macaroni and cheese has been served as long as... Townsend (previously at Neatorama) cooks up a... ...nsend (previously at Neatorama) cooks up a little macaroni and cheese from a recipe published in 1784. Along... ...the way, we get a bit of history about the term " macaroni " in the sense that it was used in the song "Yanke... ...o asked where the nutme... you ever have the macaroni nightmare? It doesn't have to be about macaroni , but anything you could possibly say that makes e... kids learn the song “Yankee Doodle&r... ...o learn about the language in the song.The “ macaroni ” in question does not, however, refer to th... ...were named. In England at large, the word “ macaroni ” took on a larger significance. To be &ldqu... ...dquo; took on a larg... of “Star and Stripes Forever,”... ...e “Stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni ” and they would follow it with a shout of &... baked macaroni and cheese is pretty much the most amazing thing... & Cheese Air Freshener - $2.95 Does your dai... ...your daily commute have you on edge? You need the Macaroni & Cheese Air Freshener from the NeatoShop. No... ...g calms road rage like the smell of comfort food. Macaroni & Cheese Bandages - $4.95 How do you make co... ...rting? You turn it into a bandage! Check out the Macaroni & Cheese Bandage from the NeatoShop. These...