The lowest car in the world[📹 carmagheddon (IT):]— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) June 25, 2023 For the ultimate lowrider experience, we aren't just on the ground. We... Link) This viral ad for Original Penguin menswear shows a lowrider with hydraulics so powerful that the car can jump off the ground -- even jump rope! Ah, but can it do a criss-cross? -via Doobybrain... Link) The Lowrider Coloring Book by Dokument Press celebrates the lowriding culture that originated in the 1930s, peaked in Southwestern Latino neighborhoods in the 1950s and experienced an urban culture renais... Link) There's always a better way to build a mousetrap. Or, in this case, an aluminum can crusher. I dunno -- I figure that there's got to be a cheaper way than this solution. via Jalopnik...