Safe for work and nude don't come together often,... artsy going on.In this instance the medium is long exposure photography , where the shutter is left open for an extended p..., a photographer in Finland, took this fantas... ...n is zooming through the night sky. It's a single exposure that was nearly 38 minutes long . Michael Zhang describes it at PetaPixel:Janne wa... ...e sensor and allowed Janne to shoot a 2258-second exposure By Terja SorgjerdLong exposure photography is awesome. I could sit here and use a thesaurus... choose fancier words to open with, but really, long exposure photography is awesome. Doesn't matter how you say it. It giv... ...oving.Airows put together this amazin... exposure photographs of fireworks before on Neatorama, but... ...Johnson's tutorial on how to photograph your own long exposure fireworks tonight:... Irvine captured this amazi... ...Steve Irvine captured this amazing long exposure photo of moth trails at night. The National Geogr... ...a rural Ontario lawn. The midsummer night’s exposure , held for 20 seconds, captured some o...