How can you not love the logic of scientists? This image is from SciencePorn. Elgin and Kristian Falcon knew they would be side-by-side in the high school yearbook, so they decided to bend your brain a little with their quotes. If the first is true, how can the second be a lie? That’s...'s be honest. A True Scotsman might do just abo... ...10, 2013 The “No True Scotsman” is a logical fallacy. It was named by British philosopher Anth... by Ali Almossawi and illustrated by Alejan..., An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments explains logical fallacies so you can avoid using them or defend y... all know that video games employ some pretty st... ...l know that video games employ some pretty stupid logic here and there. That's why any gamer is sure to f... ...find this collection of memes mocking video game logic to pretty hilarious. Link post on reddit recently asked people to tell the... ...ays, "No, I'm traveling light."Pretentious? Moi?A logician 's wife is having a baby. The doctor immediately h... The wife says, "Is it a boy or a girl?" The logician says, "Yes."How can you tell the difference betwe... you enjoyed trying out the Four Men in Hats puzzle, here's another one for you. Again, the inmates must solve the puzzle or they will be executed. On one such occasion, three cells were needed, so three of the clevere... Vodka is made from potatoes. 2. Potatoes are vegetables. 3. Vegetables are good for you... @capricecrane— Team Twaggies (@twaggies) July 24, 2012... do we ignore evidence, play the lottery, distr... ...s? Because we are human, and usually not all that logical . Cracked looks at five logical fallacies that make us think we are right when we... ...arguing about issues, these glaring flaws in our logic still exist. Appar...'s a classic logic puzzle in which a person must take a fork in the...