Neatorama Posts Tagged "logic"
76 Logical Fallacies Explained in 11 Minutes

YouTuber The Paint Explainer uses MS Paint to crea...  ...rations to help explain complex concepts, such as logical fallacies. In this video, he quickly and succinct...
The Island...

You were expecting maybe a riddle? If people actua...  ...into easily defined categories, we could use our logic skills to figure them out, but the world is a lot...  ...ut the world is a lot messier than that. It's not logic , it's just life. And no one can figure groups of...  ...o one can figure groups of peo...
Sci-Fi Universe Logic That Falls Apart In Three Steps

Rules, laws, and logic help us set up a science fiction universe so that...  ...citement for people to want to see your show. And logic can be the enemy of creative storytelling. You ca... fiction we watch doesn't stop to consider logic at Cracked.
Can You Solve the Pirate Riddle?...

Five pirates found a treasure chest of gold! How do they divvy it up? It's up to the captain, but he has to have cooperation from the other pirates. Once you find out the circumstances here, you'll decide that no, you ca...
The Prisoner Box Riddle...

Ten band members, ten boxes, and each musician can only open five to find their instrument. Is there a strategy to help the hapless combo find all of their own instruments? Apparently so, according to this puzzle from TE...
The Scrambled Boxtops Puzzle...

Boing Boing reprinted this puzzle from the book My...  ...his puzzle from the book My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles by Martin Gardner.Imagine that you have t...
Ten Alien Abductees in Hats...

Once upon a time, we presented you with the puzzle about Four Men in Hats. That was difficult. Then we gave you three men with five hats. I never figured that one out on my own, either. Now comes a puzzle with the same t...
NAO Bot Figures It Out...

A study of robot consciousness from the Rensselaer...  ...he robots have consciousness as that they can use logic . -via the Presurfer
The Simple Logic Puzzle That Shows How Illogical People Are

The question is, which cards do you turn over to test the truth of the statement? Try to select the fewest cards that will do it. The Wason Selection Task was developed by English psychologist Peter Wason to study how pe...
A Real Brain Bender...

Can you sift data from a small clue your opponent let slip? Singapore TV host Kenneth Kong posted a puzzle at Facebook. Apparently, he and his wife have been arguing over it. Now, countless workplaces are losing man-hour...

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