Want to have a memorable wedding and support a wor... ...on you should get in touch with Mtn Peaks Therapy Llamas and Alpacas. By renting a set of llamas or alpacas for your wedding you will not only hav... .... Talk about a win/win. And these aren't just any llamas or alpaca...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/04/29/This-Company-Rents-Dapper-Dressed-Alpacas-and-Llamas-for-Weddings/[https://youtu.be/UBWI11vbObs]YouTube LinkThis uplifting National Geographic footage of the Life Care Center of Nashoba Valley in Littleton, Massachusetts shows their residents engaging and developing ear-to-ear grins as...
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/12/29/Llama-Delights-Nursing-Home-Residents/[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmAz8VaYxm8](Video Link)The llama in this video by Vermont Grand View Farm is adorable, especially at 1:42, when he literally hops around the sheep, gathering them up for...well, no discer...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/12/Bouncy-Llama-Herds-Sheep/(Video Link) Oh, Cow! She's just a barrel of laughs. Cow is cracking jokes and Llama can't help but laugh out loud. In the comments, offer your translation. -via Blame It on the Voices...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/04/18/cow-moos-llama-laughs-in-response/A poor unsuspecting couple in Kentucky were visite... ...ted by the ringleader of a gang of not-so vicious llamas . Felicity and her furry partners in crime had spe... ...and there she was." Felicity and the other two llamas were on the run all morning long. "They had an...