There's lots of talk about GMOs, gluten and trans fats these days, and nowadays people feel like they know more about the food they're eating and where it came from than they did a few decades ago.But we still don't know... fun is it when you have a laboratory full of... ...what’s happening here as they add a bar of lithium to a beaker of 7UP. Why? Because 7UP originally h... ...a beaker of 7UP. Why? Because 7UP originally had lithium salts in its recipe. [ Nacho Of Providence by LithiumIt was foretold many centuries ago that a cheesy nac... ...robe with this The Nacho Of Providence t-shirt by Lithium , it's cheesy in all the right ways!Visit Lithium 's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his Nea... ...Heavy Words Gr... Laboon by LithiumThe giant whale Laboon has been banging his head agai... ...r geeky wardrobe with this Free Laboon t-shirt by Lithium , it tells one whale of a good story!Visit Lithium 's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his Nea... ...avy Words Gear Second... working on the Sload... ...stars to form. It's also deficient in lithium , which is not essential for a star to... ...lberg and Paris: "Where has [the lithium ] gone? Link