Most of us can't live without a good conversation... ...subjects- like a relative's fight with cancer.So Lifehacker 's Emily Price came up with planned conversations...'s the nightmare story the identity protection c... ...arios this one actually happened to a writer from Lifehacker .His name is Eric Ravenscraft, and his identity w... a kid watching MacGyver meant discovering new w... ...simple ideas that are simply brilliant check out Lifehacker love to make potential new hires jump th... ...t, but can they legally ask you so many questions? Lifehacker has put together a list of The Most Common Illega... like the Boy and Girl Scouts, the Sa... ...deo Link)A good place to start is this article by Lifehacker called Wilderness Survival Skills Everyone Should...'s summertime, which means a lot of people will... ...u’re bound to find something useful on this Lifehacker list Top 10 Ways To Hack Your Grill.The hacks ran... with leftover food and drinks can be a pai... ...Leftovers, brought to you by the crafty folks at Lifehacker .There are all sorts of clever ideas contained wit... you need to get in touch with a plumber,... ...ease. Same thing with headphones, cars and bikes. LifeHacker has a great collection of things you can fix your...