We love libraries here at Neatorama and our most recent Homes and H... ...knowledge. While there are some utterly beautiful libraries that have been around for centuries, the newer on... ...evel of attention. That's why we focused on newer libraries .You might notice that the...
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/06/10/10-Totally-Amazing-Libraries-Built-in-the-Last-100-Years/I don't know about you guys, but I loved my local... ...ey do, they find it to be boring. That's why some libraries have really made an effort to encourage kids not... ...n that they have access to two uniquely fantastic libraries for children. While the small Silver Lake Public...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/09/02/8-Childrens-Libraries-That-Make-You-Wish-You-Were-A-Kid-Again/(Photo: Allison Meier)Should you think outside of the box? Yes. But first, explore the world of knowledge within it. This architectural gem is The Square Head, a sculpture and functional library building designed by Sash...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/08/09/This-Is-a-Library-Building/(Photo: Andrew Federspiel)It's always adventure time when you have a library card! And with your library card barcode number on the back, you can access from your treehouse many digital resources from before the Mushroom...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/07/10/Public-Library-Issues-Adventure-Time-Library-Cards/(Photo: Denver Public Library)(Photo: Denver Publi... ...l public library to get a book bike?-via American Libraries
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/07/04/Book-Bikes-Are-Tricycle-Bookmobiles/This is the Morrin Cultural Centre in Quebec City, Canada. It was originally built by the French in 1712 as a redoubt. After the British conquest, it served as a prison. The current building was constructed from 1808 to...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/06/25/This-Beautiful-Library-Used-to-Be-a-Prison/(Image: CNN)One of the major trends in libraries in the United States is the development of makers...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/06/23/A-Library-in-Florida-Will-Let-You-Check-Out-an-Aerial-Drone/(Photo: Allison Farrand/Michigan Daily)When I walk... ...ds of students isn't something that most academic libraries think about. But the Shapiro Undergraduate Librar...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/05/10/Should-College-Libraries-Have-Napping-Stations/(Photo: Alicia Nijdam)And I mean literally as in l... ...ll and photographer Will Pryce survey the world's libraries , from the expansive new National Library of China... ...51 in South Korea and is one of the oldest intact libraries in the world. The book is full of interesting asi... ...o hunt insects which...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/03/18/This-Elegant-Library-Is-Literally-Guarded-by-a-Colony-of-Bats/(Photo: School Library Journal)So you can exercise your body and your mind at the same time! Falls Church High School in Falls Church, Virginia has these stationary bicycles in its library.With a grant from Action for He...