America is a land with many contradictory laws and... ...nd localities outlawing things that are otherwise legal in the country. One surprisingly complex area of... ...h state's laws to suss out where you can or can't legally bear the breast and the answer is a lot more comp... Wolverine's claws look badass, but have you ever wondered if he could be charged with carrying a concealed weapon or other charges related to his claws? As it turns out, he'd be ok as long as he didn't get in any un... you ever wondered if Santa's yearly journey i... ...gton does, is definitely a crime according to The Legal Geeks. In fact, he could be charged with:1) Consp... real Star Wars fans know that Han shot first,... ...real Star Wars fans know that Han shot first, but legally , was he justified in doing so or should the Empir... go after him for murder? Well, ccording to The Legal Geeks:Without a doubt, having a blaster pointed d... Bad fans, there's only one episode left, so before we know what will happen in the end, it's fun to consider what will happen to everyone. I for one was particularly curious about what could happen to Skyler and... trying to prosecute someone who could only respond with oinks and grunts. Believe it or not, trials of this type did happen many times in the middle ages and continue to take place in non-Westernized countries. M..., the headline pretty much sums this one up - disgruntled university is suing an adult content site for treading on their trademarks. Unfortunately for National American University, however, the similarities mostly... of the kind of frivolous lawsuits that make you want to rip your hair out... including the guy who sued the family of the kid he ran over in his car, the A-student who sued to get an A+, and of course the inmate...