Redditor merrderber is from the island of Rendova in the Solomon Islands. She is a now a law student in Australia. Her story is quite interesting. Merrderber’s people have been in court for 14 years, fighting a log...[] (YouTube link)This would be funny even if it weren’t word-for-word from an actual legal deposition. It’s from a 2010 case in which the Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Recorder’s off... Clardy of Portland, Oregon, was convic... ...ear sentence. Now Clardy has filed a $100 million lawsuit against Nike.Jurors early in 2013 found him guilt... ...ison sentences.It appears that Clardy expects the lawsuit to be thrown out as frivolous, which would give h... helmets always come with warning labels these days, because the companies that make them do not like being sued when football players suffer brain damage. But Schutt Sports goes a little further than the others.... man known as Technoviking managed to win his lawsuit against the videographer who made him famous -wit... serve as proxy for the entire process. The lawsuit only affects Fritsch, so the many copies of the T... following is an article from Uncle John's Curi... ...: It couldn't. He decided to help her by filing a lawsuit to win her freedom, on the grounds that the langu... ...had legal standing in state courts and could file lawsuits . In recent years a number of slaves had sued for... ...ue on the grounds of bre... still-unnamed star of the hit video known as Technoviking is suing Matthias Fritsch, the filmmaker who recorded him dancing in 2000. The lawyers involved and the court in Germany are not very forthcoming with the fac... punch during bar brawl in 2011 caused John Huttick to lose his left eye. Huttick sued Matthew Brunelli in Philadelphia over the incident. Then he lost the eye -again!Huttick, 48, was on the witness stand Wednesday, wee...'m a firm believer that no babies are ugly, but a man named Jian Feng from China apparently believed that there are such a thing, and that his own baby is one. Because his wife is b... a C+ in chemistry? Most peop... ...ear. And before you condemn them for being lawsuit -happy, read the story. They may have a... ...viously on Neatorama: The Valedictorian Lawsuit