Neatorama Posts Tagged "language"
What's the Difference Between a Dormant Language, a Dead Language, and an Extinct Language?

We all know what a living language is- those are the ones we use. But languages eventually die out when people don't use them. Th... out when people don't use them. The death of a language is a gradual process that goes from a lack of nat...  ...ery. We think of Latin...
Why English Has Upper Case and Lower Case Letters...

Unless you are celebrating INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK...  ...dized rules when writing or typing in the English language .Historically speaking, though, this is a fairly m...  ..., though, this is a fairly modern invention. Many languages do not use different cases, including languages...
Number Words and the Human Body...

The roots of the words we use for numbers vary aro...  ...ll tell us about the anatomical origins of number language . -via Laughing Squid
What If English Were Phonetically Consistent?...

[] (YouTube link)Engli...] (YouTube link)English is a weird language , in that the written version consists of letters...
How to Raise Multilingual Kids...

Teaching your child to speak and understand two (o...  ...your child to speak and understand two (or more) languages is a great way to give him a leg up in life. He o...  ...ildren claim that the best way to teach a child a language is OPOL, or the one-person, one- language meth...
French Restaurant...

[] (YouTube link)This...  ...t translates the English captions, not the spoken language
Using GPS in Brazil...

[] (YouTube link)Warni...  ...the trouble may be because they didn't switch the language of their app to Portuguese. They have stories of...  ...ortuguese. They have stories of using map apps in languages that don't work well in the location they are dri...
Mr. Rogers Had a Simple Set of Rules for Talking to Children...

Fred Rogers had an uncanny ability to connect with...  ...hat wasn't easy, since children lack the years of language practice and references that adults have. Rogers...  ...on-air manner of speaking amounted to a distinct language they called “Freddish.”Fundamentally,...
The Long Linguistic Journey to ‘Dagnabbit’...

"Dagnabbit" is a hilarious word that you probably...  ...sity of Kentucky who specializes in Indo-European languages . Basically, we are scared of the true names of ce...
Everything You Need to Know About English and Other Languages

[] (YouTube link)How m...] (YouTube link)How many languages can a person learn? How do language rules change over time? What are the most confusi...  ...nguistics? And how does one begin to invent a new language ? These...

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