At first glance, you see a beautiful lands... ...used bits and pieces of trash heaps and landfills covered with green nettings to simulate..., but first, let's marvel at Yao Lu's landfill landscapes art, on display at the Bruce... has a few claims to fame that the U.S. simp... ..., with only 4% of the nation's trash ending up in landfills . But it's not enough: Due to its efficiency in co..., told PRI. Those countries rely heavily on landfills – a highly inefficient and environmentally... ...h generated per year.... wouldn’t think that arts and crafts requir... ...Carolina have devised a way to utilize gas from a landfill in their craft making endeavors. Many crafters h... ...lower the footprint of these artistic endeavors: landfill gas. Link municipal landfill in Columbia, Missouri got a delivery of 1,500 cas... ...ivery of 1,500 cases of beer. To be dumped in the landfill . Really. After 700 cases were destroyed, two city... ...for the police. See, because anything left at the landfill officially becomes city...