Instructables member bigape calls it a "delta kite," but I think that most us probably immediately thought of Batman's cape gliding.You'll need a few extra parts, including a bicycle wheel, aluminum pipes and plastic tub... Wired)Tomás Saraceno, an artist whose work we've featured previously, designed this kite called Solar Bell. He based his design on a flying machine concept conceived by Alexander Graham Bell:You probably k... user onemeeeliondollars spent only about one hundred dollars to make a glowing 250-square foot kite. He placed LEDs in helium-filled balloons and attached them to a lightweight frame. When he was done, he rel... Link) You've got a big day ahead of you and a lot to do during it. Stop for five minutes and center yourself. This relaxing video by Patrick Colpron shows a six-sail kite built and flown by Steve Polansky. It... open in a new browser window/tab) How a Train Stays on a Track (not as simple as you thought) Physicist Richard Feynman explains how a train stays on the tracks... From BBC TV 'Fun to Imagine' (1983...