Mario eats mushrooms that look way too brightly co... ...e power up mushrooms from the Marioverse?This fun kitchen gadget created by Israeli industrial designer Avichai Ta...'s a nifty idea that could be good for entertaining guests. Serve soup in bread bowls alongside these bread spoons. Just trim canned dough in the shape of a spoon, slip it inside the Edible Spoon Maker, and bake it for... Link) Leave it to the Japanese to inve... ...uTube Link) Leave it to the Japanese to invent a gadget that is both useful and fun, all in a cute little... You're still using a roll of paper towel? Here's the high-tech version of the good ol' paper towel stand. Behold, the CleanCut Paper Towel Dispenser, a machine that can cut paper towels to any length you want, re...