The headmaster says, "I wondered for a long time h... ...r says, "I wondered for a long time how to make a kindergarten where children would not want to go home." I thin... ...f Georgia has converted an old Yakovlev 42 into a kindergarten classroom: The refurbishment took several months... is the colorful new look of the Ecole Mat... ...ternelle Pajol in Paris. The building housing the kindergarten has been around since the 1940s, and was recently..., kindergarten . You may remember it as a "happy land of bui... ...ston Globe, Patti Hartigan explains how kindergarten has turned into a high-pressure academic boot... ...Frequently, children are screened for “ kindergarten readiness... a 6-year-old girl in kindergarten got rowdy, the school principal called... loan for college? Puh-le... ...The new hot trend in education loans is kindergarten student loans. You read that right. Kindergarten . Annamaria Andriotis of Smart Money explai... ...are seeking tuition assistance as soon as kindergarten... architecture firm Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter was... ...ndheim, Norway, to build an outdoor project for a kindergarten , the company came up with this ... fireplace?!Ver... ...t exactly the jungle gym I would've built for the kindergarteners : Link