(Images Via Jessica Harrison )If makers of fine porcelain figurines from the la... ...elain figurines that look a lot like the works of Jessica Harrison , which are currently on display at Galerie L.J. i...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/05/19/Tattooed-Porcelain-Figurines-By-Jessica-Harrison/But they're not. I think. The artist doesn't say d... ...ly one way or another, but Juxtapoz says Jennifer Harrison makes them by casting the palms and backs of her...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/04/09/Jessica-Harrisons-Creepy-Sculptures-Appear-to-Be-Made-out-of-Flesh/Fiona (2010) by Jessica Harrison These classically-styled statues of classy lad... ...sy ladies with a grisly twist are the products of Jessica Harrison 's twisted imagination. She performs minor surgery...
https://www.neatorama.com/2011/12/12/pretty-ghastly-little-classical-lady-sculptures/Artist Jessica Harrison made a set of ceramic and epoxy resin figurines t... ...Nerdcore | Photo by the artist Previously by Jessica Harrison : Mouth Eyes
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/11/05/cheerful-victorian-gore/Artist Jessica Harrison is currently working on a practice-based PhD in S... ...meo clips]. I'll see you in my nightmare tonight, Jessica !