Inspiration, motivation, and industry jargon - that's the secret to back-to-school, even if you... specific jargon from the Middle Ages spread among con men, vagabo... ...The separate language wasn’t just slang or jargon , because it survived for hundreds of years, and s... ...t example of a cryptolect: It’s a secretive jargon that was created specifically to... love to complain about language and they way other people mangle it. Like complaining about the younger generation, it has always been so. Linguist Arika Okrent tells us of some previous controversies about making nou... following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...article from The Annals of Improbable Research.A jargon -free mini-opera in 4 actsWords by Marc AbrahamsTh... ...he 87th First Annual Meeting of the International Jargon Conference is about to begin! The first scheduled... ...Listen up!CONFERENCE CHAIRP... you read about science on the internet, you’ve probably run into the embarrassing misuse of the words “poisonous” and “venomous.” And you might want to tear your hair out when someone say... have always had their own terms for the unique tools they use and situations they confront, but it changes vastly over time. By the time the general public learns the slang, the current military is using new too... Yoram Bauman [1] University of Washington, Seattle, Washington The cornerstone of Harvard professor N. Gregory Mankiw’s introductory economics textbook, Principles of Economics, is a synthesis of e...